Current Action



Zooming into the top five with a #4 this week. Lots of activity going on Down Under. May coincide with the opening of five new sites. We've just spread the Nemisis to JavaMusic, Zebox, AudioSurge, loudEnergy... who are picking up the pieces of Riffage, and Wanna send out a special thanks to *Alexia* for pointing them out. You ROCK!
Recordings are still in first gear. We're moving along, but very slowly. We've had to spend some time in the Mommy's Mistake camp doing some changes and rearranging. Three songs have appeared so far with more on the way. Dream The Dream.



After months of searching and going thru trial runs, the 'new' site is up & running. We hope that this version is a little more informative, a little more user friendly & allows you to get where ever you want to go from where ever you've been. Let us know what you think!

After being out of the top 20 for three weeks we've crawled back in with a #17 ranking two weeks ago, a #15 last week & #16 this week. Not bad considering that we've done no promotion in Australia in quite awhile. Getting ready to release a couple more songs from the LOHNER project called 'It Could Happen To You' & ' I Don't Feel A Thing'. We've added a bonus song to the D.A.M. version of the ...NEMISIS CD called "Galilee". Look for it on the Australian page.

We've also got pages up and running in France & the U.K.. Mythical Nation has opened their new site at indiegroup, as has Stray Arrow Productions at Tripod, who are also busy promoting their new act Mommy's Mistake, who on May 15, 2001, yours truely became an official member of. I will be taking the spot left vacant by Kurt Eous' exit. The three remaining members also have a new project in the works, but together we expect to carry on the spirit. And speaking of spirits, I.U.M.A. seems to have everything worked out over there. Good news for all independents since they are the last of the 'true' independent sites left. And... since they stepped up to bat, we've opened a page at Vitaminic. Won't do much with the new pages until the new material is ready.

Have started sessions for a new side project called "A.E.". This one contains some metal, gothic, industrial, alternative with dance beats and progressions. Really excited about it. Some of the titles are 'Sweet Evil', 'Forbidden Fantasies' & 'Deadly Erections'. Also looking at reviving an old project called 'Snakebyte', something I had going back in '95 which was hard rock with power chords over funk/rap type beats. This version will be more straight ahead ROCK! with some of the titles being 'Turn Up The Volume' & 'Living On The Edge Of Crazy'. Plans call for a new solo CD this summer. We still lack a concept or direction, but we've got some strong songs in the waiting & I think we learned alot from ...NEMISIS. (note: May possibly do an unplugged session some time this summer)

So stay tuned & find you're own ...NEMISIS
