for It Started With A Kiss
Pop = P2/D
I like the song. It has a good pop sound. I think you need to work on the overall sound of the song. There seems to be a lot of reverb and delay going on and as a result it gives the song a muddled quality. Almost like being under the water. The vocals especially, should be more sharp. Lastly, it wouldn't hurt if you cut the song a little shorter. Other than that I like the beat, I like the bassist, I dig the guitar work.
Reviewed by: Brumley (rating: 89%)
80s Cure
Reminds me of The Cure's Head on the Door record. Vocals get a little goth for my taste.
Reviewed by: devarkin
Devo meets Cure
Loved the retro 1982 feel of the song - super Cure sound - even the vocals were pseudo 1980s. and who can turn down flanging chorused-out guitar lines? Not me. Drums could be more present though. Nice job overall
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Guitars, Melody
Reviewed by: LoFiHoney
Not quite my kind of music. The vocals were not my style but were good. dansero - Mirabel, Quebec, Canada
Let's Start With This Groovy Tune
The song's beat & rhythm is very smooth and engaging. It's got a "boppy" beat. I also enjoyed the vocals. The song seems to be a bit repetitive, in that, the chorus is very short and the verses as well. Therefore, you ending up hearing the chorus over & over again.
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Guitars, Drums, Lyrics, Melody, Beat, Mood
Special Award:Grooviest Rhythm. foote1C - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Okay, but not really memorable.
Sounds very much like the Cure. I would get rid of the electronic kazoo thing. It is annoying. The bass voice that pops in for just a second is very distracting .nifkin - Palm Beach, Florida
Bringing back the 80's alternative scene.
Melody reminded me of Devo, man I loved that band. Cool melody. Sound like you guys are having a bunch of fun. Work on the vocals, or find someone that can sing. Also try to be more original in your arrangements.
Extra Credit: Sequencer/Effects Programming, Melody
Special Award:Best Dance Track. AllGenres - Nashville, Tennessee
Keep it up!!
Awesome 80's stuff.I fuckin love it!!!!
Special Award:Most Rocking Track.zombiedog - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
for (Looking For A) Scandel
Very original, I like the ticking in the beginning... But I dont like the singing...
Extra Credit: Mood. Reviewed by: alexounet
Never made it
Suks Shit
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Production.
Special Award:Stupidest Song I've Ever Heard. Reviewed by: Cpotato77
Sorta groovin
I like the music for the most part. That clock kinda part, though, was distracting.
Extra Credit: Drums. Reviewed by: cornie
Funky Beat
The beat to you songs are good, just work on your lyrics and the tone you present your lyrics in!
Extra Credit: Guitars, Drums, Bass, Melody, Beat, Mood
Special Award:Stupidest Song I've Ever Heard. Skillz06 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Worth a listen if you don't care what the singer says!
I really like the beat and originality of the music, but I can not understand one word of the song, not very impressed with the vocals. I also notted that it sounded like a terrible recording, but since where hearing this over the internet, I can't be sure.
Extra Credit: Beat
Special Award:Best Potential Movie Soundtrack. The_Noyz - Portland, Oregon
**The Tell-Tale Heart**
tick-tock goes the clock, like the beating of my heart when I hear this song... That's a very interesting way to set a mood as an intro to this song, which really has nothing to do with the intro. This song actually rocks pretty hard for such a mellow entry. I like it alright, but I feel like there's some element missing. Maybe the echo/reverb effect is drowning out the vocals a little too much, but I felt more creeped out by the intro than by the actual song.
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Guitars, Production, Lyrics, Melody, Mood. achowe - Gainesville, Florida
The cure...
wow, moody. Just like the cure! acme401 - Boston, Massachusetts
two in one
the recording is not so great, also kinda reminds me of Nirvana, but the whole of the songs actually seems two songs in one, begins one way, and turns into something else..
Special Award:Best Potential Movie Soundtrack. neffesh - Porto Alegre, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil
really bad
this is such a bad song i hate it
Extra Credit: Drums, Beat
Special Award:Best Elevator Song. lithiumdude - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
for A Cry For Release
After much listening to delbert mcclinton...
instruments drown the vocal. maybe they meant for vocals to be backgrown but you cannot understand the lyrics. beat is good.
Extra Credit: Guitars, Drums, Beat. shagdjron - Advance, North Carolina
Enjoyable by Non-Blues Fan!
Very funky beat. I like this song, and I typically don't enjoy bluesy songs! Good vocals, good guitar playing.. Very good, period! :
Extra Credit: Guitars, Drums, Bass, Melody, Beat
Special Award:Best Potential Movie Soundtrack. Keyyooo - Peachtree City, Georgia
He's singing words but can't tell what language...
Vocals too much reverb/echo - can't make out any lyrics at all. Singer has a GREAT rock/blues sound and good energy but bad sound engineer. Guitar licks wander a bit too far from 'tonal' home at times.
Extra Credit: Drums, Beat
Special Award:Coolest Chill-Out Track. Repartee - Euclid, Ohio
Fwaaa Out!!!
too much count in at the beginning over-produced ie - too much effects on gtr and vox not enough vol on vox gtr has a 3 octave range - u use about 1.5 - don't stick to pentatonic very good rhythm section - could be a little ore interesting though - greater contrast in dynamics leaving chorus going into verse/solo would be quite powerfull A good riff - very workable far too much effects - makes it too muddy
Extra Credit: Drums, Bass. b_rudge - Hamiltron, Nz, New Zealand
Good tune, bad recording
I think production is the biggest issue here. The guitar is too loud and the vocals not loud enough. Overall, it sounds very muddy. I like the song and what you did with the vocals. I would like to hear it again after a better recording session. The_Blues_Doc - Houston, Texas
I don't know, maybe a mixture of blues and alternative. A good mix. Who knows, maybe a new genre. Keep playing!
Extra Credit: Guitars, Mood
Special Award:Grooviest Rhythm. cranwoman - New Bedford, Massachusetts
**Hendrix, take 2!**
It's cool! Sounds like Jimi Hendrix... are you his son?! lol Just joking... because it's really good...
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Guitars, Beat. pduhamel - Laval, Quebec, Canada
for Expose Yourself
I got a David Bowie feel from the vocals (maybe it was just my player???) heheh It had a weird vibe to it, gave me the creeps. I guess i'm just odd huh? kristeff - Millersville, Pennsylvania
Rocky Horror Pedal
Sounds alot like something jenna jamison would listen too : blankreality - Dunwoody, Georgia
A song for people who like 80's rock.
I definatly do not like this song or this type of music because I don't like anything that sounds or is 80's.
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Bass, Production, Beat
Special Award:Most Bitter Breakup Song. ultimate_punk1 - Cortland, New York
This song scares me for some reason...there's something morbid about it. I like it though. The repetitive guitar part is awesome, and i really like the vocals!! sKaDiVa - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
not punk
I don't know about this song. It wasn't really punk. It was too engineered. Maybe if you played this song to someone else that liked a different kind of music--not punk, they would like it. This just isn't punk. greg1214 - Aurora, Colorado
really good one
I wouldn't consider this as punk, but it's very good music and you guys sound tight and very good! Lung18 - Hull, Quebec, Canada
Old school Punk Comes alive
You sing like your depressed
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Guitars, Lyrics
Special Award:Best Potential Movie Soundtrack. ChikiMonkey - Delafield, Wisconsin
Original with strange effects
It'S original, the distortion guitar is not a kind of sound that we hear all the days, great timming, great effect in the voice but not really the style i prefer, a band that we can listen sometimes but not all a day. truejs - Rock Forest, Quebec, Canada
A heavy b movie sound
Great classic punk sound. Very pro. I want to break out my George romero movies and become horrified. A heavy b movie sound that could only be duplicated by the undead. POTS - Lith, Illinois
This track just is sweet...there is no other thing to explain it as!
Extra Credit: Guitars, Drums, Bass, Lyrics, Melody, Beat, Mood
Special Award:Most Rocking Track. Colts7273 - Waunakee, Wisconsin
goodbye punkrawk, hello 80's
I really like this one! It has a cool feel to it, it reminds me of the 80's. ;
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Guitars, Melody, Mood
Special Award:Grooviest Rhythm. quiet_riot - Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada
About tyme, some decent rock!
Not bad at all. You guys have kind of a Sonics/Chocolate Watchband sound that I Love. However, I'd lose flange pedal and use a Big Muff or Fuzz Face pedal instead of the digital effects that you've got now. Analog is always better sounding than digital. Otherwise a good song, something different than that totally inane skate-punk.
Extra Credit: Drums, Mood. Thee_Colonel - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
they wanted to be misfits
cheap equipment sound with boring riffs and butt rock licks
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Mood. pipedown - Auburn, California
Hello, we're the Doors.
Getting a little wacky with the guitar effects, are we? Anyway, I really disliked this track -- whether because of my own musical tastes or that you're terrible remains unseen. The Jim Morrison vocals really grated on me, and I think the drums are awful. Three cheers for honesty. Sorry... atretka - Colo Spgs, Colorado
Spinal rock
sorry man, but this song is a bit "Spinal Tap" for me. This song would do better in another genre on garageband as the playing is acomplished enough to warrant serious consideration by people who like this kind of music. scottlynn - Irvine, Ayrshire, UK
for A Heartbeat Away
It fairly rumbles
Vocals were buried so I have no idea what the song was about, but overall I was intrigued by what I heard. It fairly rumbled along, and I liked that.
Extra Credit: Guitars, Lyrics, Melody, Beat. dwill33 - Memphis, Tennessee
Well country ain't too bad
well i don't usually care for this music, but this isn't that bad. considering the hillbillies that like it. gefling - Sulphur, Louisiana
You know you just played around too much with the reverb or whatever on the vocals..this song has some really great music going on with the guitars, the beat and the melody but I could not make out one word of the lyrics and that was frustrating..could you do something about that without losing what you were going after? It reminded me of "The Cramps" a bit and that's a good thing! Keep rockin!
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Guitars, Melody, Beat, Mood
Special Award:Grooviest Rhythm. _crybaby101 - Thompson, Manitoba, Canada
good energy, bad mixing
this song has a lot of energy and has a lot of great stuff going on in it, but once again, i think a good song has been sacrificed by poor production. the vocals are so far back in the mix that i can't hear a word they're saying. i had a really good connection too, so i don't think realplayer can be blamed THIS time. remix this track and i think you've got a dynamite piece of music to offer! neverending - Portland, Oregon
Quality was really poor. Must have lost it in the conversion. Good driving drums, nice changes in the song!
Extra Credit: Drums, Beat. jrlbell7223 - ?
...production's a bit lacking, but there's something about it that I like. It's halfway to psychobilly, which is fun, and I love the guitar sounds. wyldemusick - Tucson, Arizona
I can barely hear the vocals over the music... but it's definitely an interesting sound. stigmatic - Crystal Falls, Ontario, Canada
Blame it on Real Player!
Sad sad sad that we have to go through Real Player to listen to songs here!!!! I'm convinced this track is pretty good despite the awfull sound. Can't hear the lyrics!!!!! I sincerely hope I come across your song later on because I wanna hear it again with a clearer sound if possible. I enjoyed the beat of it. Good luck.
Extra Credit: Guitars, Bass, Melody, Beat. Delrey - Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada
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